Oct 28 and 29th Saturday/Sunday full day studio workshop, 10-4:00pm
    Bldg 30W Magnuson Park, Seattle WA #205
    Max 6, $225.
    This is mainly a Watercolor workshop for intermediate and above artists. Participants can work in Watercolor or Mixed Media of Ooze, techniques, color mixing, design, color and edges. Demo, lecture, painting time, critique, lots of time for questions and in person individual attention.
    Email if you have questions cathe@catherinegill.com
  • OOZE Online Workshop

    Nov 8 and 15th Wednesdays, 12-3pm Seattle Pacific time
    Been waiting for that Mixed Media of Ooze class? Intermediate WC skills, Beg Pastel OK
    Max 8, $150.
    Email if you have questions cathe@catherinegill.com
  • Private Sessions

    In person and Online, $100 for 90 minute session, contact Cathe to schedule or click here to purchase online.



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