(Watercolor and Pastel)
Brushes: 1″ Flat, #10 or #12 round
Palette: Covered watercolor palette with large mixing area (i.e. John Pike or Robert Woods palette)
Paper: 2 sheets Lanaquarelle hot press #140
Watercolor Pigments:
*Rose Madder Genuine (W/Newton) *Cadmium Red *Permanent Rose *Aureolin Yellow *Cadmium Yellow *Quinachrodone Gold *Cobalt Blue *Ultramarine Blue *Pthalo (Winsor) Blue (I use Red Shade) |
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Turquoise Light
Dioxazine Violet
Permanent (Winsor) Orange
Quinachrodone Burnt Orange
Burnt Sienna
Pthalo (Winsor) Green (I use Blue Shade)
Cobalt Turquoise
* indicates the nine basic pigments
Pastel Supply List (chalk not oil) :
NuPastels (hard pastels) – set of at least 24 (I use a set of 96). A basic set should contain warm and cool of each color plus three values of gray and white. If you have 2-3 different values of each color, it is easier than adjusting the value with white or black.
Rembrandt (softer pastels) – set of at least 12 different colors (I use an older set of at least 36). Bring any additional pastels you may have.
Miscellaneous Supplies:
board to support w/c paper
pencil and kneaded eraser
clips to hold paper to board
2 water containers
sketch book or note book
paper towels or sponge
Brushes: 1″ Flat, #10 or #12 round
Paper: Arches 140 lb. cold press (2 sheets)
Watercolor Pigments:
*Rose Madder Genuine (W/Newton) *Cadmium Red *Permanent Rose *Aureolin Yellow *Cadmium Yellow *Quinachrodone Gold *Cobalt Blue *Ultramarine Blue *Pthalo (Winsor) Blue (I use Red Shade) |
Cerulean Blue Cobalt Turquoise Light Dioxazine Violet Permanent (Winsor) Orange Quinachrodone Burnt Orange Burnt Sienna Pthalo (Winsor) Green (I use Blue Shade) Cobalt Turquoise Viridian |
* indicates the nine basic pigments
Miscellaneous Supplies:
board to support w/c paper
masking tape
sketch book or note book
pencil and kneaded eraser
2 water containers
covered w/c palette with large mixing area
paper towels or sponge